如韵电子有限公司总部位于上海张江高新产业园嘉定园,并在香港设有研发中心,在深圳设有办事处。从2004年创立以来,如韵电子一直采用 Fabless 运作模式 , 专注于模拟集成电路的设计、应用和销售,并始终处于技术创新的前沿。产品的生产委托国内及海外著名的晶圆代工厂、封装厂和测试公司完成。这些工厂、公司都是专业的、中立的生产厂 , 通过了各种国际质量体系认证。公司凭借雄厚的技术实力 , 已经开发出具有自主知识产权的产品有:电压检测、电 池充 电与管理、LED驱动、直流 - 直流转换器、场效应晶体管、放大器。
经过市场开拓和发展,在华北、华东、华南、西南等地区拥有庞大的销售网络,几十家专业代理商与我们建立了长 期合作关系。 几年来,公司严格自律、诚信经营,坚持“ 以德经营, 诚信为本 ”为 经营理念,为 广大用户提 供一流的产品、一流的服务,一流的方案,以优质、 快捷的售前、售中、售后服务赢得了广大用户的信赖。以“无限科技,无限创芯”的宗旨与客户共同发展 。
Consonance Electronics is a fabless IC design house, we design and market the high-performance analog and mixed-signal integrated circuit. The Company's products include linear and power management ICs. These products address a wide range of rapidly growing end markets including cellular phones,portable equipments,audio, networking, medical equipment and industrial equipment.
Founded in 2004, Consonance Electronics is located in Jiading Park of Zhangjiang High-tech Park, Shanghai, China. We also have regional sales,support offices and IC design center situated in Beijing, Shenzhen and Hongkong. In addition, the Company has established an extensive network of sales agents and distributors in China Consonance Electronics is fiercely committed to its customers' success, our sales, customer service and technical support teams are structured specifically to address customer needs and requirements.
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